Has your Vulnerable Sector Check Expired for the 2024-2025 Season?
Go to your HCR Spordle Account and login.
On the Left side Menu, Click the Members tab.
Find the Member profile you are looking to verify.
Under your Name and HCR Number there will be a bar that is Green saying you have a Valid Background Check on file.
When you hover over the bar, it will tell you the date of expiring.

As per HEO Rules and Regulations, as well as the LMHA, Police Record Checks are required for ALL TEAM OFFICIALS and ON-ICE HELP. This includes everyone who will have a volunteer position on a team as well as all voting and non-voting board members. All volunteers are encouraged to use the Ottawa Police Service online Police Record Checks system. In particular, volunteers will be required to complete a Level 3 – Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC).
In order to complete your VSC, please download the LMHA PRC Cover Letter below and fill in the blanks with your name. You will upload this to the Ottawa Police website so you are not required to pay the fee to receive your VSC.

LMHA PRC Cover Letter

If you are unable to apply online you can still have the VSC done in person at 2670 Queensview Drive by booking an appointment.

When you receive the emailed copy of the VSC, please forward the PDF to Safety@Leitrimhockey.ca to update your HCR Spordle Account.

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